
KKMedia Inc. is Now Quickly and Quietly Emerging as One of Silicon Beach's Most Innovative Companies

Beverly Hills, CA (PRWEB) May 16, 2013

KKMedia Inc. and its emergence as a leading force in Southern California’s Silicon Beach has been driven by a unique and innovative business model.

Over the past three years KKMedia Inc. and its emergence as a leading force in Southern California’s Silicon Beach has been driven by a unique and innovative business model. KKMedia Inc. is a creative firm like the old school ChiatDay and an incubator/investment partner like IdeaLab fused into one company.

Founder and CEO Keith Kaplan says, “It’s very effective in today’s environment to have a combo of advertising, technology and business where you create, brand, design, and engineer in unison as a complete process; not to mention the benefits you receive in lower design and development costs because of efficient departmental communication. As we continue to progress technologically, this process is, and will be, the way of the future as we see the ability to combine creative and technological practices. Traditionally, agencies, software development firms, and investment firms have been separated and this division creates issues for effective deployment and innovation; we are changing this for the better.”

Currently, KKMedia Inc. is the incubator and angel investor in two new internet based companies, and described in detail below. Additionally, KKMedia Inc. is supporting as a creative agency/web development firm the launch of XPrize’s new company FIX and Authority Auto’s also described in detail below. – Your digital life, your stuff

Social Media and Cloud Storage like nothing you’ve seen before. is the first ever complete solution to create, organize, share, and store in a safe and completely private way all your photos, videos, and documents of the most important thing in your life…Your Life, Your Stori. seamlessly creates a beautiful left to right timeline of all your life’s digital memories that you can have completely private or if you wish, share socially. With meStori’s innovative Facebook and Social Digital Content Pull you can migrate all your digital content from your favorite social media networks to your meStori timeline with the click of the mouse, and it’s really cool to see it instantly appear in your timeline too.

The history of your life told with an elegant timeline created with the power of personal Cloud Storage combined with Social Sharing enables you keep safe all your memories without the scatter of multiple hard drives, websites, and jump drives. You can even send meStori your boxes of photos and videos and we will digitize it for safe keeping forever. Imagine, no more fire or flood risk, not more dead hard drives, just your most precious memories, your life story, private and safe in the cloud. is currently in private beta 1.0 and is seeking additional investors, please contact us for more information. – Hover and Discover

Where the cool kids get their news and MEMEs

There are a lot of great content sites out there and let’s face it, they don’t give you the ability to hover and discover with thousands of 80px thumbnails of the hottest trending stories and stuff by category. The fact is they are cool but they are not as cool as’s hover and discover interface. This is a brand new way to sell products and advertising — thousands of banners per page, millions of e-commerce sales. gives young people and early adopters a great and fast way to see, share and create the top 1000 trending stories and MEMEs on the internet by category page. changes the ways young people quickly find and buy the top trending items and sales on the internet and enables young people to see what celebrities are wearing and using then quickly and easily make an e-commerce transaction to own it. is currently in beta 1.0 and is seeking additional investors, please contact us for more information.

FIX – The New XPrize Company

Bringing Crowd Sourcing to a problem near you

XPrize is taking the FIX to Crowd Sourcing with the formula created by the incredible success of XPrize Challenges like Virgin Galactic and the current “Tricorder” XPrize sponsored by Qualcomm.

FIX will be crowd sourcing the funding, educating, training, initiating, conducting, and communicating on a global scale the entire scope of a FIX Challenge on a global scale.

KKMedia Inc. has the honor to be the partner on the announcement and website launch to the world about FIX. All our best to the FIX team and to all that are ready to make a difference.

“Getting a good price isn’t always a great deal!”

Oren Weintrob is one of the leading consumer advocates for car buyers in the United States and has created the first ever online application and training program to expose all the backend secrets that are used to create profit centers for vehicle dealers.

We are proud to work with Oren to create this innovative and revolutionary application. KKMedia Inc. did it all, from concept to programing, a full for hire incubation of a brand new internet product. Oren is already an incredible success and we are sure this will only add to what he brings to the car buying consumer.

If you have a company or are an entrepreneur that wants to work with KKMedia Inc. as your forward thinking agency and application development company for hire, KKMedia Inc. is currently accepting interviews for new opportunities.

If you wish to contact KKMedia Inc. for press and speaking engagements we will be happy to accommodate your needs.