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Government Offers a Goldmine in Work at Home Jobs, Home Based Business, Government Grants, Government Jobs, Home Business, Home Loans and Free Credit Repair

Washington DC (PRWEB) May 15, 2005

If you are searching for the perfect work at home jobs, have a family member unemployed or if credit problems are holding you back from starting a business, buying a home, new car or work at home jobs business, here is important news. Government and private lending institutions are now joining forces to stimulate the national economy and make it easier for women, minorities and people with poor credit ratings to get government grants, low interest loans for any purpose to include work at home jobs.

President Bush also announced a breakthrough for Faith Based and Community Organizations. Policies have been lifted which prohibited them from receiving government funding based on religious affiliations. Churches and religious based community organizations can now compete on equal footing for available federal dollars.

Terry Newborn, a researcher for Government Publications in Washington, DC, reported, “There are billions of dollars in grants and loans earmarked for people previously identified as credit risks. Public and private funds are now available for them to buy homes, cars, start a work at home jobs business, consolidate debts,and any worthwhile purpose.” In addition, he reported new financial resources have been committed to help the unemployed get job training re-enter the job market or perform work at home jobs.

“Now is the time for citizens to act if they need money for any worthwhile purpose,” urged Newborn. He also revealed that several reduced-cost and even free programs now exist to benefit economically disadvantaged and recently unemployed persons. Such programs include dental and vision care services, prescription plans, legal aid and work at home jobs. The program also includes free postal training manual, government jobs training manuals, applications plus practice tests that help low scorers acheive a higher score when taking civil service exams,it also includes work at home jobs manual and more.

Government Publications offers a Work at Home Jobs CD-Rom that provides the latest information on the above programs. It covers free grant and loan resources available for a wide variety of purposes, including work at home jobs business start-ups. President Bush declared, “The entrepreneurial spirit in America is healthy, It is a great strength of our country. If you feel like you’ve got what it takes to start a business, if you want to go out on your own, you think you’ve got a good product, the country says, we welcome you to do so.”

This Work at Home Jobs CD Rom includes start-up information on over 95 Work at Home Jobs and business opportunities. For example, Work at Home Jobs -How to Buy and Sell Foreclosed Properties, How to Start a Profitable Gift Basket Business, How to Start a Cleaning Business and How to The work at home jobs business program includes which teaches customers to Ebay(tm) the correct way.

The Work at Home Jobs CD Rom combines all programs into one price,it also includes 50 successful grant applications that were funded. These sample applications are essential items since most denied loan and grant applications are due to improper or incomplete paperwork. For more information on the Work at Home Jobs CD containing all programs log on to To visit individual sites combined on Work at Home Jobs CD visit,,,, , , , or call the Work at Home Jobs Hotline at 800-306-0873 or Work at Home Jobs Info Line 888-384-9608, Work at Home Jobs line 800-306-0990, Work at Home Jobs info at 800-306-0990 Work at Home Jobs request more info line 800-416-0712.

To view Work at Home Jobs and Government Grants Video visit , , , , , , , ,


Mike Green

Government Publications

1025 Connecticut Ave. Suite 1012

Washington, DC 20036

Tele: 202-331-4477


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