Marijuana Policy Project executive director Rob Kampia appears on Fox Business’s Freedom watch along with John Stossel and SE Cupp to discuss marijuana prohibition in the US Video Rating: 4 / 5
smoking and driving is 10000000000x times better then alcohol.
GAskate7 says:
EvAnAlMiGhTy1995 says:
shes like the average hot chick….hot but stupid as fuck
potking76er says:
i work out 5 days a week my driving recored is clean i am in collage no i dont think im lazy and stupid
Swealbino92 says:
Don’t bring up Sweden in this question, it’s one of the most horrible countries when it comes to drugs in general…
faintofhearts86 says:
Dear Stupid cunt. Get your fucking facts right and come up with some batter evidence that suggests pot is “harmful” before you come on a news cast, and say pot is dangerous but alcohol is fine. I mean it makes you dangerous when you drive? Cummon and alcohol doesn’t? Ive heard claims from people with better morals than you, that a high driver is 85% less dangerous than a driver under the influence. No joke. How cannot force what you consider to be good morals and good behavior on this country.
JEWHUNTER691 says:
She has such a condescending self-righteous, better than thou attitude. It’s like she argues on behalf of Marijuana Prohibition just to affirm the fact she doesn’t smoke marijuana herself and she is thus “better than the rest of us”. She bashes marijuana from an attitude that it is “unpopular”, “uncool”, and “out”, like a stupid airheaded teenage girl whose main interests are fashion, going to the mall, and the Twilight Saga.
How can marijuana still be illegal with its opponents like her?
faintofhearts86 says:
ROFL @ “it makes you dangerous”
DonnyMoulton says:
5 joints a month is like a pack a day
i smoke 5 joints a day and i dont have lung canacer :O
stupide cunt and fuck ronald regan
tpotpo9 says:
ThUmBs Up FoR LeGaLiZaTiOn of marijuana
Kiddowesth says:
Because of this guy, I actually dont hate fox as much as before!
She certainly is stupid. She knows nothing of Sweden, I live in Denmark right next to Sweden, and the Swedish come to Denmark to drink and do drugs, because were more laid back in Denmark .
But by god, I wanna fuck her so bad, because she’s so naughty
cquesada22 says:
Damn. The prohibitionists are REALLY getting desperate…LOL “people do get in cars…they go to the supermarket…” LMMFAO!!!! I guess that is a problem…until we figure out a way to go to the store and get our munchies BEFORE we get high! xD
MissJupitersworld says:
There are no stats to support death, danger, or car accidents from Marijuana. Also Marijuana is massively less dangerous/addictive than other drugs including aspirin and caffeine. This woman is insane.
356pla says:
That might be it !
356pla says:
I doubt she’d swallow, or give a decent blow-job. She may be one of several wives for all I know. She seems simple enough.
356pla says:
I doubt he’d swallow, or give a decent blow-job. She may be one of several wives for all I know. She seems simple enough.
356pla says:
Don’t be too hard on her. She has been taught not to think.
356pla says:
Don’t be too hard on her. She has been taught not to think.
smoking and driving is 10000000000x times better then alcohol.
shes like the average hot chick….hot but stupid as fuck
i work out 5 days a week my driving recored is clean i am in collage no i dont think im lazy and stupid
Don’t bring up Sweden in this question, it’s one of the most horrible countries when it comes to drugs in general…
Dear Stupid cunt. Get your fucking facts right and come up with some batter evidence that suggests pot is “harmful” before you come on a news cast, and say pot is dangerous but alcohol is fine. I mean it makes you dangerous when you drive? Cummon and alcohol doesn’t? Ive heard claims from people with better morals than you, that a high driver is 85% less dangerous than a driver under the influence. No joke. How cannot force what you consider to be good morals and good behavior on this country.
She has such a condescending self-righteous, better than thou attitude. It’s like she argues on behalf of Marijuana Prohibition just to affirm the fact she doesn’t smoke marijuana herself and she is thus “better than the rest of us”. She bashes marijuana from an attitude that it is “unpopular”, “uncool”, and “out”, like a stupid airheaded teenage girl whose main interests are fashion, going to the mall, and the Twilight Saga.
How can marijuana still be illegal with its opponents like her?
ROFL @ “it makes you dangerous”
5 joints a month is like a pack a day
i smoke 5 joints a day and i dont have lung canacer :O
stupide cunt and fuck ronald regan
ThUmBs Up FoR LeGaLiZaTiOn of marijuana
Because of this guy, I actually dont hate fox as much as before!
She certainly is stupid. She knows nothing of Sweden, I live in Denmark right next to Sweden, and the Swedish come to Denmark to drink and do drugs, because were more laid back in Denmark .
But by god, I wanna fuck her so bad, because she’s so naughty
Damn. The prohibitionists are REALLY getting desperate…LOL “people do get in cars…they go to the supermarket…” LMMFAO!!!! I guess that is a problem…until we figure out a way to go to the store and get our munchies BEFORE we get high! xD
There are no stats to support death, danger, or car accidents from Marijuana. Also Marijuana is massively less dangerous/addictive than other drugs including aspirin and caffeine. This woman is insane.
That might be it !
I doubt she’d swallow, or give a decent blow-job. She may be one of several wives for all I know. She seems simple enough.
I doubt he’d swallow, or give a decent blow-job. She may be one of several wives for all I know. She seems simple enough.
Don’t be too hard on her. She has been taught not to think.
Don’t be too hard on her. She has been taught not to think.