
Project management life cycle, project life cycle and the o

Project management life cycle, project life cycle and the o

This video explain the linkages between project management life cycle, project life cycle and the organization. Meant for the students of the project managem…
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Project Management Consultants

Project management consultants are specialized consultants that are involved in the task of identifying, defining, planning, implementing and reviewing projects for their clients. They can either advice a client on the best way to carry out a given project or undertake to carry out the entire project on behalf of the client.
These consultants help a client to go through each step of the project life cycle in the most viable and cost effective way to achieve the objectives set for a particular project. The project life cycle outlines all the steps that a project goes through from beginning to completion. The project life cycle consists of the following steps:
Project initiation
This is the first step where the project is defined in terms of scope and expected results and out come. The project can be divided into phases for ease of execution. In this stage, the tool and resources required are also identified and appointed. A thorough feasibility study is undertaken to determine the viability of the project. Risks are identified and measures for countering risk are stipulated.
Project execution
The project is then executed in the different phases. The project management consultants keep an eye on the progress on ground compared to planned progress to ensure that time lines are kept and objectives are being met. At this stage, corrective measures are under taken based on challenges encountered.
Project closure
The project closes once all the phases are implemented. The objectives set must also be fully achieved for the project to close successfully. A project review is undertaken at this stage and a detailed report is written.
Post project analysis
It is important to carry out a post project analysis to compare the actual achievements with the goals and objective one intended to achieve. In this stage, any deviations in terms of time and resources between what was planned and what actually happened are identified.
The goal of project management consultants is to ensure that the project objectives are met in the most cost effective way. It ensures that all resources are maximized and costs are minimized without compromise on the goals and objectives. The consultants will use a variety of project management tools to track progress.
The project management consultants will appoint a project manager who appoints a team that works with him from inception to completion of the project. The project manager must be a well trained and experienced leader who is able to manage the team to achieve the project objective. The team must consist of individual with the requisite skills and experience to cover all areas of the project. The team must be cohesive with members who are able to work together and understand their different roles and responsibilities.

For the success of any project, it is important to work with , project management consultants because of their skill and experience. Project management consultants can help you make your project a success. To make your project less stressful and more successful, see

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The Third Phase of the Project Life Cycle

Article by Dora B. Tarver

The Third Phase of the Project Life Cycle – Business – Management

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The third phase of the cycle involves addressing the most important aspects of the project that include project control, communication, and project execution. Known as the execution phase of the project, the clearly laid out and elaborate solutions that are designed as a part of the project life cycle are implemented to solve problems per the project’s specified requirements. During this phase, the underlying plan of the project is set to motion and the overall progress of the work is closely monitored to make appropriate adjustments and record associated variations from the original plan. In project layouts for the development of products and systems, a design that incorporates all the essential elements and product requirements is created through testing, reviews, and analyzing prototypes. With the progression of the execution phase, various groups of the target organization get more deeply involved in the final phase of the project that includes production, product testing, and support.

Some of the most common methodologies and tools that are used during this phase involve Milestones Reviews, further additions to the Business Plan, Risk Analysis, and Score Cards updates. The project manager spends the maximum amount of time on this step as status reports on the progress of the project and task execution are discussed during regular team meetings. This information is used by them to measure and track the performance of all the project-related activities and take immediate corrective action if required. The sponsors of the project and key stakeholders should always be aware of the status of the project as well as the other parameters like the costs incurred, the schedule as well as the quality of the deliverables to ensure that they meet the set acceptance criteria per the agreed upon format and frequency. After this, the project is all set for closure.

This article is part of a series of articles that give discussion to the Project life cycle. You can view the rest of the articles in This is published under the July newsletter while other Project life cycle articles were published in the earlier editions. This is an ongoing series of articles that aims to wholly define the processes of the project life cycle.

This article was written by Soumya Nalam for E-project managers. You can view her profile in the Newsletters as well. She has authored 4 articles for e project managers, all of which are incorporated in the Newsletter issues.

About the Author

This article is part of the June Newsletter of, accessible through

Dora Tarver is the founder of and and is available to provide consulting services globally.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Dora B. Tarver

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