What is Crowd Funding?
http://www.arielpublicity.com Ariel Hyatt talks to Brian Meece the founder of RocketHub about the benefits of Crowd Funding / Fan Funding for musicians. Find…
http://nextlevelxfunding.com/go Nextlevelx – More information about funding your wallet for Next Level X… http://nextlevelxfunding.com/go https://www.faceb…
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Well he is from Rockethub and since it is a segment about crowdfunding in
general so he can’t do a big sell, which I appreciate. I got to 7,800
pounds on Slice the Pie recently – an investment crowdfunding site.
Interesting to know about some alternatives, look forward to next
instalment. Thanks Ariel!
( aka Ken Manning) HEY, BRIAN!! ‘Bout time I found some work of yours on
YouTube! Question: have you given any thought to releasing THE SPIN or
SHARKMAN in segments on YT? Bet they’d go viral.
Interesting, but the guy from rockethub seems too cool for school. You both
look uncomfortable. You should get someone to speak on crowd funding here
who gives a crap. Just my opinion