The Future of Online Digital Marketing 2012 -2015

The Future of Online Digital Marketing 2012 -2015

The Future of Online Digital Marketing 2012 -2015.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

  1. Ca li
    Ca li says:

    Great video, I think people change, trends change, but necessities stay the
    same (i.e need for communication or socialization). For those who are in
    college or own a business and want to learn more why of these evolutions, I
    recommend reading blogs or a book about marketing. Personally, I like the
    book “a legacy in advertising” by Claude C. Hopkins just because his
    samples are well explained and is a respectable source. 

  2. Spook SEO
    Spook SEO says:

    How I love watching your video. It’s very educating, an eye opener and
    update on the future of social media, how it influences our daily lives.
    Time will come that use of paper will be lessen due to the evolution of

  3. MyPageDotCom
    MyPageDotCom says:

    Hi Raul thanks for uploading this very interesting video. Well done
    presentation. Very catchy to the viewers. The Music background suits into
    the video. It made me think about the future online digital marketing. This
    video allows us how technology evolves or grow every year. Social media is
    great influence to us humans.

  4. Spook SEO
    Spook SEO says:

    I would just like to emphasize that your video is very well presented and
    that they are comfortable to watch and the figures and patterns here are
    clearly presented. Great job on your video! I loved watching it and can say
    it wasn’t a waste of time.

  5. Digital Marketing
    Digital Marketing says:

    The Future of Online Digital Marketing 2012 -2015

    When we speak of marketing, digital marketing is considered to be one of
    the most effective and economical as compared to all other Media. Digital
    marketing implies the advertising or marketing strategy to be followed in
    advertising through mobile, internet and such other electronic or digital
    Media. Importance of this medium of advertising is growing day by day and
    this has prompted many people to take up digital marketing as their

    The Future of Online Digital Marketing 2012 -2015

  6. Alfonso Sanchez Gutiérrez
    Alfonso Sanchez Gutiérrez says:

    Interesante video sobre el futuro del marketing digital. Lo que se espera
    para el 2015 | #marketing #socialmedia 

  7. Farrukh Hassan
    Farrukh Hassan says:

    Most essential part for any business is “solid marketing”.
    Scale and type does not mater…

  8. Теми Трайкова
    Теми Трайкова says:

    Hi! I want to ask you how is made this presentation? With which program?

  9. Rich Hernandez
    Rich Hernandez says:

    It’s great to bring this to light. The key things to remember and focus on
    are Mobile and Apps.! These two industries are evolving. They are a

  10. Kalana Meneripitiya
    Kalana Meneripitiya says:

    A simplistic presentation of the analytic with many areas concerned.. This
    would be more valuable if it had included the digitally synced devices of
    the BTL industry, RFID related activities too, There’s always more room for
    innovative approaches in Digital Marketing and Reputation Building..

  11. Norizal Md Tahir
    Norizal Md Tahir says:

    The best video which describe all angles… Actually this is inline with
    our New Business Inititaive..