Northfield, NJ (PRWEB) May 11, 2010
Cloud Marketing Labs will be hosting a free webinar on Tuesday May 25th to show business owners how to build a social media marketing plan in 30 days. Marketers who are not maximizing the potential social media offers to generate leads are passing up a huge opportunity. A focused campaign will generate sales leads, not wasted time or frustration.
To reserve a space at the free webinar Tuesday, May 25 at 1pm PT, sign up at http://www.cloudmarketinglab.com/SocialMediaMarketingPlan.
The biggest problem business owners and marketers have is that they lack a plan. Because they lack a plan, many dismiss social media marketing as being too time consuming or worse, ineffective. Neither is true.
Marketing using Social Media and a variety of web tools is like marketing with any other tool, if you dont have a marketing plan, then you will waste your time and your money. However, if you do have a plan and execute it properly, you will be able to tap a resource of unlimited potential Greg Digneo, owner of Cloud Marketing Labs says.
Digneo has successfully implemented social media for his new business. A few weeks ago we decided to start an entirely new business, with a new website, and new social media presence to see if we can get sales leads quickly. We wanted to start as close to ground zero as we possibly could. We plan on showing our statistics as a real case study on how to use social media to build sales leads.
The webinar will cover 4 things that are key to starting a successful social media marketing campaign:
1. Create a story that people will want to read. The web is littered with blog, Twitter Accounts, and Facebook pages. And your customers dont really need another news letter. You need to make sure that you are able to stand out from the crowd.
2. You are already social. Chances are, you and your business are in contact of approximately 100 people on a consistent basis. Whether you are talking to customers, vendors, advisors, or the board of directors, your business is already social even if you are not active on the web.
3. Focus. If you spend all of your time on Facebook or Twitter you wont have time left to run your business. Learn 2-3 tools to help businesses use social media to its full potential.
4. Build a sales funnel. Many businesses have traffic, but do nothing with that traffic. A structured sales funnel can convert traffic into sales.
To learn more about how to build a 30 Day Social Media Marketing Plan, please join Greg Digneo on Tuesday May25th at 1PM. Registration for the 30 day social media marketing plan is free, however, space is limited. Or for more information, call Greg Digneo at 609-634-0336 or email Greg.Digneo[at]MoreCaffeinePlease.com.