Temecula, CA (PRWEB) December 08, 2013
John Saddington told Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer®, that becoming an entrepreneur was not in his plan. After barely graduating from college, he went to work for Dell and later Fox News, quickly rising through the corporate ranks in both companies, which was his career plan. However, as he learned more about that world, the less respect he had for authority and realized that he could “do it better and faster.”
Since John left the corporate world and began building his own products in 2006, he has had a number of startups, has raised venture capital for others, and got his big break with Flash development. He had the idea for 8Bit around 2008, which came from his frustration in building sites for his clients. In 2012, Saddington began kicking around the idea for Pressgram because he was not satisfied with terms on other sites.
He also shares with Schaeffer how he funds projects through Kickstarter and Indiegogo. John tells Wes, “Entrepreneurs get frozen with ideas. We need to force the idea of scarcity on ourselves so we focus and dig deep and become excellent.” To listen to this fast-paced, idea-filled interview, and learn how to do what John Saddington has been able to do, go to http://www.thesaleswhisperer.com/session20.
About The Sales Whisperer®
Wes Schaeffer is The Sales Whisperer®, a sales and marketing industry leader who works with and specializes on the Infusionsoft sales and marketing automation platform. He and his Certified Infusionsoft Consultants at The Sales Whisperer® educate and train clients on sales and marketing practices, social media marketing, CRM, SEO and SEM usages, motivational speaking, and more.
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