New York, New York (PRWEB) March 25, 2013
Today at the general meeting BLOGGERS intended to sell its stake to the market. Established in 2003, Bloggers.com is the leading social network site for Bloggers and largest directory of blogs. The site has pumped through some great numbers, It it added half million new Bloggers and 5 Million new pages indexed by Google in one and half year, and also achieved Google page rank 6/10. Despite huge database Bloggers.com loads in only 1.1 second which is faster than 64% of other sites.
Commented by Park Ik, the Founder and CEO of BLOGGERS : ” The domain name Bloggers.com is itself selfmarketing and easy to remember. Bloggers.com domain creates an instant brand which is defensible against copyrights. This is one reason Bloggers.com had good organic traffic from the day one. In last couple of years The site has 300% growth of visitors. On January 15, we have launched our site considering increasing visitors from mobile platform”
“Also, my team built the site with proprietary scalable architecture, dedicated hosting system, and crowd sourced online rating technology. BLOGGERS targets genuine bloggers and true content. Bloggers has realtime crawler that continuously search through registered Blogs around 130 countries in the world. As we see the site has grown in right direction its growth is exceeding our capacity and need more funds and human resource. We are looking for investors who can nurture the project to its deserved level” Park Ik added.
Interested parties can find more information in the following link: http://bloggers.com/bloggers-partnership
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