Herndon, VA (PRWEB) May 09, 2013
The United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation (USGIF) released its agenda and opened registration for GEOINT Community Week 2013, during which various education, technology, and networking events are held in the Northern Virginia region May 20-23. This year’s GEOINT Community Week will emphasize training and professional development, with numerous learning opportunities available throughout the week.
“We have added a truly world-class set of educational training sessions scheduled during GEOINT Community Week, including on-site training at NCE and at the Reston Hyatt,” said USGIF Vice President of Professional Development Dr. Darryl Murdock. “This educationally-focused training marks the beginning of a new chapter for USGIF, and we are excited that GEOINT Community Week continues to grow and change to address the needs of our global GEOINT community.”
GEOINT Community Week consists of NGA Tech Showcase East and a special edition of GEOINTeraction Tuesday on May 21. Wednesday, May 22, will feature a Spatial Literacy workshop presented by Esri, and a presentation and networking event by USGIF’s Young Professionals Group. USGIF Technology Day on Thursday, May 23, will include nearly 20 professional development, education and training offerings, in addition to an array of technology exhibits. Education and training sessions will include topics such as activity-based intelligence, eContent for GEOINT training, JEMA, human geography, crowd sourcing, hyperspectral target detection, disaster relief, spatial statistics, databasing concepts, full-motion video, and more.
USGIF CEO Keith Masback noted the importance of events like GEOINT Community Week: “Given the drastic reduction in opportunities for government, industry, and academia to gather and discuss the broad set of challenges we face in this difficult fiscal environment, we’re excited GEOINT Community Week continues to grow and change to address the needs of our Community,” he said. “We anticipate a really exciting week of valuable interaction and learning.”
GEOINT Community Week 2013 Features:
Monday, May 20
DI2E Plugfest and Mashup (An AFEI event, separate registration required)
8 a.m.-3 p.m.
Complimentary for government / Registration required
Tuesday, May 21
NGA Tech Showcase East
NGA Campus East, Springfield, Virginia
7 a.m.–3 p.m.
Complimentary for government / $ 150 for all others (space is limited)
GEOINTeraction Tuesday, featuring NGA COO Ellen McCarthy
Walker’s Grille, Springfield, Virginia
4-6:30 p.m.
Complimentary and open to all / No registration required
Wednesday, May 12
The Geographic Approach and Spatial Literacy Workshop, presented by Esri
Reston Hyatt, Reston, Virginia
2-4 p.m.
Complimentary and open to all / No registration required
Managing Your Online Reputation in the Intelligence Community, presented by USGIF’s Young Professionals Group
Reston Hyatt, Reston, Virginia
4:30–7 p.m.
Complimentary and open to all / No registration required
Thursday, May 23
USGIF Technology Day
Reston Hyatt, Reston, Virginia
7 a.m.–7 p.m.
Complimentary for government / $ 25 for all others
For additional information or to register, visit http://www.usgif.org.
USGIF is a non-profit educational foundation dedicated to promoting the geospatial intelligence tradecraft and developing a stronger GEOINT Community with government, industry, academia, professional organizations and individuals whose mission is the development and application of geospatial intelligence to address national security challenges. For more information, please visit http://www.USGIF.org