Santa Barbara, CA (PRWEB) May 13, 2013
Phone Halo’s newest creation, Button TrackR, is a coin-sized device that eliminates the common frustrations involved with losing or misplacing important items.
Button TrackR is only about the size of a few stacked quarters, it can be placed on or stuck to virtually anything users would like to keep track of – whether it’s a disappearing TV remote, keys, or a lost wallet. It is combined with a free, easy-to-use iPhone app, Item TrackR (http://appstore.com/itemtrackr), to create a time saving tool that aims to eliminate unnecessary stress in people’s every day lives.
How It Works:
Button TrackR is a coin-sized device that can be attached to or stuck to anything you want to keep track of. The device communicates to the user’s iPhone or Android, and if the user is about to leave an item behind, the Phone and Button TrackR device will audibly notify the user. At the same time, the app remembers the time and location the user separated from their item and shows the item’s location on a GPS map. The app can then guide the user to within five feet of this exact location using GPS and a short distance Hot & Cold finding system within the app. Users can also locate their lost items by causing the Button TrackR device to ring. The system is completely bidirectional which means if the user can’t find their phone (and the phone is on silent), the user can press a Button on the TrackR device and cause the phone to ring.
Button TrackR has a new feature called Crowd Sourced Tracking. If you lose an item, the Button TrackR will begin to broadcast a encrpyted unique ID that can be detected by the phone’s of other Button TrackR users. When another Button TrackR user walks within range of the lost item, a message is sent to the Phone Halo Cloud server which will then send a notification to the user with the updated GPS location of their lost item. This revolutionary technology allows users to track their lost items without the need for expensive GPS tracking devices and instead, using the power of crowd collaboration.
“We’ve been working on item finding and tracking devices for over 3 years. We’ve always wanted to create a solution that can help users find items after they’ve become lost. With Crowd Sourced Tracking, that is now a reality” says Chris Herbert, Co-Founder of Phone Halo. The Button TrackR has been aggressively priced at a single device for $ 25. Early customers can purchase a 10 pack for just $ 95, $ 9.50 a device, for a limited time.
Please visit http://www.igg.me/at/ButtonTrackR for more information about the Button TrackR campaign.
The Button TrackR utilizes the latest technology called Bluetooth Smart or “Bluetooth Low Energy.” Unlike older Bluetooth devices, Bluetooth Smart uses a common coin cell battery that can last for 1 year. At launch, the Button TrackR will be compatible with the iPhone 4S/5, iPad 3/4, iPad Mini, New iPod Touch, Samsung Galaxy S3/S4, and Samsung Galaxy Note 2.