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Executive Leadership Training – Productivity Through Effective Delegation

by wallyg

Article by Amy Groot

Executive Leadership Training – Productivity Through Effective Delegation – Business – Training

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Executive Leadership Training is in dire need of some fundamental approaches to increasing productivity . Most executive development today is high level and focuses on technical specialties or strategic planning, communications, marketing, etc. What is missing in most cases are fundamental skills and techniques to manage people more effectively. Delivering better project and assignment execution is the Core Competency most needed and often over-looked.

The essential executive skills for faster project execution and increased employee productivity are a result of “Soft Skills” such as delegation. Planning an important project or assignment, delegating the actions effectively and tracking progress to create “Velocity of Execution” for managing people to execute projects and assignments is the key. “Delegation” is the least emphasized and the most important of the soft-skills. Executives and successful managers are assumed to have proficiency in these soft-skills. Most have never received core skill development and have picked things up along the line. This leaves many with gaps in skill and technique that could add to their effectiveness if filled. But in reality this just doesn’t happen. A successful company should not leave soft-skill development to chance.Consider these questions; Where do you get this important leadership training and manager development? What are the key skills and techniques for effective delegation of work? How do you learn to avoid the pitfalls and obstacles to effective delegation? Why are these questions so important? It’s simple. Today’s business and industry organizations place a high value on Executives who can get results through effective time management of important projects and assignments.

Executive mastery of specific soft-skills such as communicating delegation assignments and “Visual Delegation” can have very important impact on effectiveness. Here is a list of just some of these skills and techniques;

1. Visual Delegation skills. 2. Simple, quick and effective assignment tracking 3. The What-When & How procedure.There are a number of related and unique soft-skills that are capable of very significant productivity gains. These skills and techniques and tools for effective delegation are covered in the Management By Delegation program. The lesson for companies and executive development is this; if your Company has a desire to improve the skill and performance of executives managing important projects and assignments through a team of people, need to take responsibility for providing the leadership training needed. Your executives and key managers can’t reach their full potential using the same skills they have today…it just won’t happen.

About the Author

FranklinCovey is a global leader in effectiveness training, productivity tools, leadership, productivity, time management , leadership training , executive leadership training , strategy execution, and assessment services for organizations and individuals. FranklinCovey helps companies achieve greatness by unleashing the power of their work forces to focus and execute on top business priorities. Clients include multinationals, mid-sized and small, as well as numerous government entities and educational institutions. Organizations and individuals access FranklinCovey products and services through corporate training and consulting, licensed client facilitators, one-on-one coaching, public workshops and

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Amy Groot

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Project Execution through Successful Leadership: How to Lead Like a Fighter Pilot

Article by James D. Murphy

Practicing successful leadership seems fairly simple – one acquires the positional authority to lead, and does so by influencing or guiding others. But too often, “leaders” assume that just because they’ve achieved total project execution under their guidance that they deserve the title. To be sure, leadership is a concept measured by benchmarked success and achievements, but it is also a long-term manifestation of your actions and influence upon others. While innate values and personal characteristics lend themselves heavily toward the development of a leader, these traits do not primarily form the core of a true leader.

In military aviation, fighter pilots work within a high-risk environment where there is zero tolerance for error in project execution, or better said mission accomplishment. The occupational health and safety of the pilots in the cockpit and ground crew rely upon a commitment to excellence and full communication throughout all levels of an operation. It is through successful leadership that the field of military aviation experiences one of the lowest error rates in any high-risk operation. Leadership throughout all levels not only communicates with and trains team members through a planning and debriefing process, but they also follow through with precision during project execution, and then work to identify improvements or root causes of error during a debriefing. When you are engaged throughout an operation, inspire others to improve upon their own actions, and exhibit behaviors that others deem valuable and seek to emulate, you are acting in a manner that defines true leadership.

Leadership is a Function of Your Behavior

Leadership by example is the most effective component of becoming a true leader. While the principles of business management are successful for directing a team toward a projected goal, ‘direction’ is not entirely the end-goal of true leadership initiatives. Successful leadership is about inspiration, and providing others with the ideas and tools necessary for crafting one’s own path to success – not merely prescribing a list of steps to follow and check off for one-off project execution. When considering the differences between leadership and management, it is important to note that successful leadership is evidenced by the provision of a transparent framework based upon good communication and full collaboration. In this way, each member of a team stays on the same page throughout an initiative and all participants reach a common goal.

A process of planning and debriefing is an essential action exhibited by leaders. When a leader fully communicates a plan of action and methods to execute this action to his or her team members, the group is prepared for success in a project. Execution through planning only covers the foreseeable obstacles, however, and leaders must additionally address contingencies. Essentially, successful leadership is not about micromanaging and assigning tasks for estimated results – it is about equipping a team with the focus and support necessary to flawlessly execute a task.

Indicators of Successful Leadership

Leadership is something developed over many years, through direct experience with a team and success in guiding individuals through a full-term mission, problem, or project execution. Again, indicators of successful leadership begin by examining one’s own personal actions. Are you exhibiting behaviors that others deem valuable and want to emulate? Strong teams are built upon trust, and leadership is dependent upon displaying forthrightness and is maintained with actions and words.

Additionally, setting the example is a key component of one’s leadership skills. Are you yourself successful in production and accomplishment, and do people tend to follow your example of being punctual and precise? Does project execution run flawlessly under your guidance, and does your team trust your decisions? Do you embody the qualities that you would want in a leader? The “Golden Rule” also applies when assuming the role of a leader – always lead others as you would want to be led by someone else. Drawing again upon the introductory thought to this article – many “leaders” think they are deserving of that title simply because they guide people to an end goal. Even if a project was flawlessly executed, it is not only the end result that defines the critical aspects of leadership; it is the thoughts and actions one employs in order to communicate with a team, identify and prepare critical actions, and execute through communication and teamwork.

Overall, leadership is more than just a word or a title. It is more than achieving a goal and calling yourself a “leader”. It is instead the long-term ability to encompass all of these elements: being engaged with your thoughts and actions, performing in a manner that encourages others to emulate your behavior, and inspiring others to improve upon their own actions.

James D. Murphy, the founder and CEO of Afterburner, Inc., has a unique, powerful mix of leadership skills in both the military and business worlds. After graduating from the University of Kentucky, Murphy joined the U.S. Air Force where he learned to fly the F-15. He has logged over 1,200 hours as an instructor pilot in the F-15 and has accumulated over 3,200 hours of flight time in other high-performance jet aircraft and has flown missions to Central America, Asia, Central Europe and the Middle East. As Afterburner’s leadership keynote speaker, Murphy has helped top business leaders transform strategy into action. Realizing that the concepts of the Flawless Execution(SM) model could be applied to business process improvement, he engaged the proven model – “Plan. Brief. Execute. Debrief.” Through his leadership, Afterburner has landed on Inc. Magazine’s “Inc. 500 List” twice. Murphy has been regularly featured in such publications as The Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek, and Newsweek. For more information on Afterburner, Inc., please visit

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