New York, NY (Vocus) June 2, 2010
Social media is being approached like medical research once was: If it’s good for the men, then a smaller, pink pill must be good for women. No way, says Ventureneer, which is offering a Vcourse, Real Women Do Social Media.
“Social media classes often don’t consider the way women interact and the time-management needs of women,” says Geri Stengel, founder of Ventureneer. “This class provides one-on-one interaction with the instructor and a ready-to-implement social media plan for each participant.”
The 8-session on-line class will be held on Tuesdays, June 15 through August 3, from noon to 1 pm ET. The cost is $ 500 for those who register before May 31, $ 700 for late registration. Real Women Do Social Media meets each week via phone and the Internet.
“Women invented social media. After all, who recommends more products and services than women? No one,” says Lena West, who developed and will teach the course. “Women have nothing to fear from new media, as long as they’re explained well, in plain English. And that’s what this class is: clear explanations with practical advice on implementation.”
West is an award-winning social media strategists, blogger, and columnist. She developed her curriculum after years designing Internet and social media marketing programs for women who owned small businesses. Through her work, she found that: