Pi Day is coming March 14! National Pi Day Celebrates Education and its Importance in All Our Lives
/in Blog, Crowd Sourcing /by Robert Goodman
San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) March 13, 2013
March 14 (3.14) is National Pi Day.
Why Pi? What is National Pi Day?
Beloved worldwide, pi is simply the irrational number π = 3.14… It is used to
calculate the circumference of a circle – any circle – among a multitude of other applications in math, physics, and engineering.
In 2009, the United States House of Representatives declared March 14 (3.14) to be
National Pi Day. They passed resolution HR 224 to celebrate the importance of math,
science, and education in our lives.
No longer reserved only for the geek culture, pi is fun, approachable, and entertaining. Learning the first 10 digits is, well, as easy as pi (3.141592653).
As an example, the letter count of each word below corresponds numerically to the first 10 digits in pi.
Wow I made a short memorable pi string, could you?
3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3
The team at works to remind us that math and science are present in all of our everyday lives. All technology, from the wheel to the Smart Phone to GPS, utilizes physical laws that are described in terms of mathematics.
Through videos, online games, activities, demos, and events, piZone engages students, educators, and the public in the fun and importance of action learning as a means to inspire the next generation of scientists, researchers, doctors, educators, and techies who will spur new life-impacting innovation.
Beyond being just a number, pi can also be an expression of art, dance, music, and writing. When learning is informative, entertaining, and sensory, it encodes more efficiently and effectively into the participant’s brain. When learning is fun and engaging, it sparks curiosity and a desire to discover, explore, and question. The ability to think critically is essential to people living in our high-tech world.
pi activities and events:
The New San Francisco Exploratorium – soon to open in April 2013, the new Exploritorium provides students and the public with hands-on science fun that inspires and engages. This Pi Day look up! Pi in the Sky – an artistic skywriting event – will occur on Pi Day above the new Exploritorium building. Pi in the Sky, created by conceptual artist ISHKY, is a visual representation of pi – 100 digits of pi written in dot-matrix numbers by 5 airplanes in formation over the San Francisco Bay.
SXSW Music Festival and Conference – The team recently spoke at the educational arm of the South by Southwest Festival and Conference in Texas. To pass on the pi – pizone plans to inspire thought and engagement at the SXSW music festival with different pi sayings on 9 colored stickers, distributed to only 10% of the crowd, sparking curiosity in participants to seek out others to see what their stickers say. They are encouraged to share their fun via posts, tweets, images, and videos.
Bill Gates’ Big History Project – This project inspires our big picture thinking. provides students and educators with fun math and science demos, games, and videos to inspire and engage on topics of math and science via pi (pie) recipes, an interactive sticker game, a contest, and songs such as the ABCs of Pi Song: a 6 year old sings 42 places in pi to the tune of the ABCs. It’s a sing-along.
All of these activities culminate in the question, “What can I do to support STEM education?” It starts with building awareness among the general public about the vital importance of funding education, with an eye on the future and its impact on all of us. Imagine our future if we don’t. Having a well-educated workforce utilizes technology to drive innovation, in turn creating better lives for us all. We all have a piece of this educational pi.
You’re invited to share the pi.
As a crowd-source resource for all things related to pi, education, and public outreach, strives to touch lives and spark interest in math, science, and technology.
Utilizing online games, videos, activities, demos, art, and even our ABCs of Pi song
to promote the value of action and play in learning, and to illustrate the fun of discovery in math and science. As a “for-purpose organization,” piZone is committed to raising awareness of the increasing interest in students and the public on the value of a well-educated and productive workforce, for now and for our future.
We are proud to present our “π it forward” program, where $ 3.14 of each t-shirt sold in our pi-eShop goes toward providing a t-shirt to an educator.
Updates, posts, videos, images, and the latest on National Pi Day
Post your pi / pi-ticipate.
Share and spark interest in pi.
People’s pi-experiences.
Media Education: Concepts & Practices
/in Blog, Social Media Marketing Plan Template /by Robert Goodman

Education Music Company, education everytime, Wins $50,000 in New Orleans Big Idea Competition
/in Blog, Crowd Sourcing /by Robert Goodman
New Orleans, LA (PRWEB) April 16, 2013
education everytime, a startup that uses educational music as a classroom management tool for teachers, won $ 50,000 in prize money by beating out 15 entrepreneurs at the Big Idea contest during New Orleans Entrepreneur Week. The company is slated to launch its music-streaming service for K-12 teachers in time for the 2013-14 school year.
Founder Lorenzo Castillo, along with the help of fellow teachers and their students, pitched to the crowd of 1,700 and garnered enough support to present the winning pitch at the final round. During the meet and greet, they explained how the music helps teachers save time by establishing clear start and end times while also improving classroom culture. “The music helps teachers manage daily routines that often cut into instructional time,” says Castillo, a 5th grade teacher himself. “Saving just a few minutes on a daily basis results in days and even weeks of added learning time over the course of a school year.”
Castillo makes all recordings with his team, laying vocals over custom-made music beats to create songs that help guide students through specific classroom procedures. For example, in the song “Better Than I Found It”, Castillo raps, “paper in the trash, then I’m bouncing / on to the next class, up a mountain”. The song provides students with behavioral instructions (putting “paper in the trash”) and reinforces key values (“on to the next class, up a mountain,” a reference to KIPP’s metaphor “Climb the Mountain to College”).
Deion Brown, a 6th grade math teacher at YES Prep Northbrook school in Houston, Texas, has found education everytime to be a practical tool. “The systems outlined through hip-hop verses engage students of today’s generation and help them to easily remember key routines for success,” says Brown. “The students absolutely love the music,” adds James Mosely, 7th and 8th grade Social Studies teacher at KIPP Polaris Academy for Boys in Houston, Texas. “The music really calms the students and gets them focused for class… It is amazing to see how the students respond to the music with productivity. Teaching a class of all boys can be challenging at times, but this music is something that engages them in learning as well as relaxes them.”
With the seed money from the Entrepreneur Week contest, education everytime is set to release its music-streaming service for teachers in time for the 2013-14 school year. Updates on the release can be found at Teachers can subscribe for a low monthly fee, allowing unlimited access to the entire catalog of music and accompanying materials.
About education everytime
education everytime provides teachers and schools with a music streaming service to manage student behavior during daily school and class routines. The music empowers teachers to manage their classrooms with greater efficiency and control, while also boosting engagement by using popular, culturally-relevant music in the classroom. It was founded in 2009 by KIPP alum Lorenzo Castillo, who began infusing music into his classroom as a KIPP teacher to enhance his students’ learning. Over the past 3 years, e2 music has been implemented in classrooms from New York to New Orleans and has reached over 1,000 students with meaningful and inspiring results.
Videos: Transition, Homework
Songs: 1-4, Brainstorm, Read Baby
Annese Notes Surge in Ensemble Video Education Sales Across New York's Metro Region
/in Angel Investors, Blog /by Robert Goodman
Clifton Park, NY (PRWEB) July 24, 2013
Cisco projects that 833 days worth of video will cross the Internet every second in three short years. Additionally, Internet video will make up 54% of all online traffic by 2016. This surge in digital content may explain the rapid-fire growth of Annese & Associates’ video content management solution, Ensemble Video, particularly across its education base in the Metro New York region.
Annese, which has been reselling the online video management platform since its inception in 2007, was also an angel investor to the Syracuse University-born software which has since risen from tech start-up to industry player in the online video platform market, reporting over 200% revenue growth since 2010 and record expansion of its customer base. The company successfully deployed its software to close to 100 new organizations in 2012, with over 200 customers in higher education institutions, K-12 school districts, consortiums, and enterprise markets.
The K-12 market is especially ripe for a product like Ensemble as it enables classrooms and districts to seamlessly implement 21st century opportunities like distance learning, blended learning, flipped learning, and mobile learning. “Ensemble Video has the power to transform the educational process in schools by ushering in a new model for teaching and learning that focuses on using video to engage, inform, and motivate students at their own pace through online learning, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,” notes Scott Nadzan, Vice President of Marketing and Sales at Ensemble.
Dutchess BOCES, Ulster BOCES, Eastern Suffolk BOCES, and Nassau BOCES are a few of Annese’s most prominent Ensemble converts in the region. The Lower Hudson Regional Information Center (LHRIC) was one of the company’s earliest adopters of the product and has been a strong proponent in helping like-institutions understand its appeal.
Ensemble Video enables LHRIC’s teachers to create video projects so students can easily submit video projects for coursework and tell a story through video. “Kids have always wanted to tell a story. In the past they did it with crayons and paper and now they are doing it with video because it’s the technology; it’s a 21st century skill,” said Sarah Martabano, Regional and Distance Education Coordinator at the RIC. The role of the Regional Information Center is to support districts in their use and acquisition of technology. Currently, 21 districts are signed up with Ensemble Video through the RIC.
Although free YouTube-like platforms are ideal for small-scale public sharing, they fall short for larger organizations and educational institutions that require more control and security.
“With Video becoming more prominent in all aspects of everyday life and the proliferation of technology in today’s society, organizations are constantly being challenged to find new ways to help break down traditional communication boundaries,” notes Andy Enright, Annese Account Manager.
“By implementing the Ensemble Video platform, our customers have enabled their organizations with a simple and cost-effective platform to share, secure, stream and archive videos with a few clicks of a mouse. We continue to see steady product sales growth throughout the region as Annese remains committed to providing our customers with innovative and cutting-edge solutions to help them remain at the forefront of modern technology.”
Ensemble Video has just launched its new 3.5 version which includes features like uploading video from mobile devices, a restricted streaming module to secure content, adaptive bitrate streaming for delivery, and a YouTube feed.
About Ensemble Video
Ensemble Video is a flexible online video platform that simplifies video management and delivers content to a variety of devices, over a myriad of networks. Ensemble Video enables hundreds of progressive organizations across the globe to accelerate learning, increase viewer engagement, improve knowledge sharing, and reduce the cost of doing business. Ensemble Video offers self-hosted, cloud-hosted, and multi-tenant deployments, and works in concert with a wide range of complementary video and web technologies to streamline video management and publishing. Learn more about our platform by visiting our website and find out how our customers use our software on our blog. For a free trial or demo, contact us and begin orchestrating your online video today!
About Annese & Associates, Inc.
Expertise. Relationships. Innovation. Throughout the past four decades, these principles have established the foundation upon which Annese & Associates has emerged as the trusted adviser to our customers, partners, and communities. With a full-circle approach to integrating communications systems, Annese wraps professional and managed services around Collaboration and Data Center Virtualization solutions. Guided by our services methodology, we design an end-to-end IT experience for our clients, implementing the tools of today and administering a plan for tomorrow. Our business is the art, science, and passion of connecting devices to networks, people to people, and ideas to action.
District 301 discusses remote education plan
/in Blog, Sales Executive Jobs /by Robert GoodmanDistrict 301 discusses remote education plan
It's one of the reasons why the district opposed a proposal last year by Virtual Learning Solutions for an online charter school partnership with 17 other Fox Valley districts, according to Superintendent Todd Stirn. “We voted down the online charter …
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A World of Knowledge: 50 Different Views of Education
/in Blog, Small Business Ideas In India /by Robert GoodmanA World of Knowledge: 50 Different Views of Education
Even more significant to learning than being an asset, social status plays an underlying role in the education of a small or large group of people whether it's an entire country's agenda or certain sections or communities within that country …
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Management Consulting Firm Oliver Wight Americas, Inc. Announces Education Course Scholarship Program for Professors and Students
/in Blog, Sales And Operations Planning /by Robert GoodmanNew London, NH (PRWEB) October 06, 2011
In an article released by the Associated Press on June 8, Stacy Anderson states, President Barack Obama says the growth of the U.S. economy will depend in part on training new workers for jobs in the manufacturing industry. (Released through /News/2011/06.) Oliver Wight Americas desires to help prepare college students for careers in manufacturing by incorporating both professors and students into this education program. The benefit to professors is to help them prepare students for management positions in industry. The benefit to students is to provide them with a vision of key planning and management processes when they become employed after college. It is also common, in many companies, for an Oliver Wight-trained prospective employee to qualify for a higher entry-level pay status.
Oliver Wight Americas will offer two tuition-free seats in each course taking place in the fall of 2011; one for a full-time professor currently teaching a business management curriculum and one for a student currently enrolled in a similar curriculum. The courses available include Business Excellence, Sales and Operations Planning/Integrated Business Planning, Demand Management, Integrated Supply Chain Management, and Master Scheduling. The Oliver Wight Americas website provides detailed descriptions on the business improvement courses along with the dates and locations. Applications for attendance can be filled out on the website. Please visit for more information and the application for this program.
About Oliver Wight Americas, Inc.
Oliver Wight Americas has been both a thought leader and hands-on practitioner for over 40 years. As a global business management consulting and education firm, the company specializes in helping organizations work smarter, faster, and better than their competitors. Its principals are seasoned professionals who have real-world manufacturing experience and transfer this knowledge to the people at all levels of an organization, providing tools to help organizations internalize that knowledge and achieve a competitive advantage in the marketplace. The largest world-wide consultancy of its type, Oliver Wight has offices throughout Europe, North and South America, and the Asia/Pacific Region. For more information, please visit
BIM-Enabled Set-Based Design for Net-Zero Energy Buildings is Topic of Next Sustainability Education Program at DesignRealized
/in Blog, Juice Plus Virtual Office /by Robert Goodman
Oakland, CA (PRWEB) March 25, 2012
The topic of the next DesignRealized continuing education program is BIM-Enabled Set-Based Design for Net-Zero Energy Buildings. In partnership with AIA San Francisco, this course will be web cast on Thursday, April 19, at 12pm Pacific/3pm Eastern, to groups and individuals around the U.S.
Andreas Phelps, P.E., Ph.D., Integrated Projects Executive, at Balfour Beatty, an international design and construction firm, will use case studies from the 2011 BIMStorm and a federal design-build project, to discuss BIM-enabled set-based design. Participants will walk away with a working understanding of the lean design technique of set-based design, and they will be able see how BIM technologies can be integrated to enable set-based sustainability analysis and design.
“The future of sustainable design is built on the concept of net-zero energy buildings,” says Thomas Simmons, President of LearnVirtual. “This program will address how technology combined with process can help the AEC industry achieve these ambitious goals”.
This program qualifies for 2 LU/HSW/SD learning units with the AIA. AIA members receive a $ 5 discount on individual registrations. Group rates are available.
The LearnVirtual team produces DesignRealized continuing education programs. LearnVirtual specializes in the design and implementation of training programs for AEC professionals. With an emphasis on e-learning and multi-venue hybrid education, LearnVirtual empowers individuals and companies with professional skills and industry intelligence that can be applied in everyday work environments.
Sample Videos from The Education Kit for Sales and Operations Planning
/in Blog, Sales And Operations Planning /by Robert Goodman
Video Rating: 0 / 5