
LOCAL SEARCH & REVIEW SITES: Week #15 of the 26-Week Digital Marketing Plan [Edition 3.0]

LOCAL SEARCH & REVIEW SITES: Week #15 of the 26-Week Digital Marketing Plan [Edition 3.0]

LOCAL SEARCH & REVIEW SITES: Week #15 of the 26-Week Digital Marketing Plan [Edition 3.0]

Many changes are happening in the local search field, and I’d like to share some of the most important changes in this book…

For Example:

Google Plus is now integrated with Google Local to create Google+ Local, so when it comes to search, ‘Social Local’ or ‘Social SEO’ are proving more popular. I will also go into more depth and how to maintain your rankings in this area.

It is also important for you to claim your listing that already may be in place. I will


COMPETITOR BACKLINK ANALYSIS: Week #16 of the 26-Week Digital Marketing Plan [Edition 3.0]

COMPETITOR BACKLINK ANALYSIS: Week #16 of the 26-Week Digital Marketing Plan [Edition 3.0]

COMPETITOR BACKLINK ANALYSIS: Week #16 of the 26-Week Digital Marketing Plan [Edition 3.0]

One of the most important reasons websites rank for certain keywords is the links that point to that particular page and site.

Together we will look at:

– The quantity of the links pointed at the page.

– The quality of those individual links.

– The relevance of the links.

All these aspects need to be in your action plan to win for these keywords as well. You’ll be able to replicate the link structure better, leaving your competition behind.


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GUEST POSTS & AUTHORSHIP: Week #18 of the 26-Week Digital Marketing Plan [Edition 3.0]

GUEST POSTS & AUTHORSHIP: Week #18 of the 26-Week Digital Marketing Plan [Edition 3.0]

GUEST POSTS & AUTHORSHIP: Week #18 of the 26-Week Digital Marketing Plan [Edition 3.0]

In my last book, we talked about outreaching to bloggers to promote you. This book will be teaching you about how to find ways to ‘guest post’ on their sites. This means writing a quality post for their blog which they post and promote which in turn will drive traffic to your site.

I will also be going through the paces on Google Authorship.

Just to be clear posting on other bloggers pages via guest posts is completely different from what I was talking about in the last book. T


Developing a Creative and Innovative Integrated Marketing Communication Plan 1st Edition ( Paperback ) by Ogden, James R. pulished by Prentice Hall

Developing a Creative and Innovative Integrated Marketing Communication Plan 1st Edition ( Paperback ) by Ogden, James R. pulished by Prentice Hall

Developing a Creative and Innovative Integrated Marketing Communication Plan 1st Edition ( Paperback ) by Ogden, James R. pulished by Prentice Hall

List Price: $ 137.22


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Essentials of Strategic Management, 2nd Edition

Essentials of Strategic Management, 2nd Edition

Essentials of Strategic Management, 2nd Edition

  • Strategy in Action boxes examine how the management theory covered in the text can be applied to real-world situations–enabling students to immediately apply what they learn to actual organizations.
  • Closing Cases conclude each chapter with a brief case that can be used for further analysis of chapter issues. Each case has been chosen to reflect contemporary issues and problems in strategic management. Accompanying discussion questions encourage students to consider how managers approach real problems in today’s market.
  • A new running case featuring Wal-Mart illustrates key topics in the context of the company’s strategy and performance. The ongoing case enables students to continue building on their knowledge and skills as they apply chapter concepts to an organization with which they are familiar.
  • All end-of-text cases are new to this edition, giving students opportunities to apply what they’ve learned to real-world scenarios at such prominent companies as Boeing, Apple, Amazon, Blockbuster, Whole Foods, and 3M.
  • Eight expanded End-of-Book Cases focus on specific strategic management topics such as analyzing competitive environments (Philips vs. Matsushita), building a competitive advantage (3M), developing business-level strategies (Whole Foods, Apple, Boeing, and Amazon), and using a strategic ethical landscape (Kellogg, Brown, and Root). Students can collect additional information on the companies in these cases as a way to add up-to-the-minute currency to the analysis and to understand how managers use data to increase competitive advantage and performance.

ESSENTIALS OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT, 2E, is a brief version of the authors’ market-leading text STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT: AN INTEGRATED APPROACH, 8E, helping students identify and focus on core concepts in the field in a more succinct, streamlined format. Based on real-world practices and current thinking, the text’s presentation of strategic management features an increased emphasis on the “business model” concept as a way of framing the issues of competitive advantage. Cutting-edge research, new st

List Price: $ 180.95


Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization, Concepts and Cases, 8th Edition

Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization, Concepts and Cases, 8th Edition

  • The accomplished and highly respected authors are all active teachers in prestigious business schools and widely acknowledged experts in the strategic management field.
  • The text includes numerous proven pedagogical features such as knowledge objectives, a running glossary, Strategic Focus boxes featuring real-world examples, Strategy Right Now callouts leading to the most recent information available about cited examples, chapter summaries, and review questions, all designed to support instruction and facilitate understanding and learning.
  • Each chapter has been carefully crafted to present essential information in a very engaging, readable way without adding unnecessary bulk or complexity. Eliminating redundant examples, adopting a concise presentation style, and illustrating key concepts visually reduce the overall length of the text and clarifies the presentation for students.
  • Current research and up-to-date findings, as well as 29 new cases covering a variety of topics, organizational settings, and industries, help make course material directly relevant to students in today’s business environment. Case notes are exceptionally detailed, and many include financial analyses and tutorials to support effective instruction.
  • The new edition expands coverage of important current trends such as ethics and social responsibility, global strategy, cultural diversity, and the impact they are having on strategic management, providing engaging material for class discussion and a practical focus students can appreciate.

STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT: COMPETITIVENESS AND GLOBALIZATION, CONCEPTS AND CASES Eighth Edition, is a comprehensive Strategic Management text that combines impeccable scholarship; cutting-edge research; a sophisticated and practical global focus; and the most thorough, up-to-date, and relevant business examples and cases available. Now, this seminal business text is enhanced by the addition of powerful new media and technology resources, including an updated video program, CengageNOW online teaching

List Price: $ 292.95


Practical Guide To Starting A Consulting Business (2nd Edition) – Consultant Base Camp

Practical Guide To Starting A Consulting Business (2nd Edition) - Consultant Base Camp Practical Guide To Starting A Consulting Business (2nd Edition) – Consultant Base Camp Practical Guide to Starting a Consulting Business (2nd Edition) – Consultant Base Camp The Hello Bar is a simple web toolbar that engages users and communicates a call to action. #header { background: url(consultantbasecamp/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/header-cbc1.png) no-repeat; } .recentcomments a{display:inline !important;padding:0 !important;margin:0 !important;} .simple-social-icons { overflow: hidden; } .simple-social-icons .alignleft, .simple-social-icons .alignright { margin: 0; padding: 0; } .simple-social-icons ul li { background: none !important; border: none !important; float: left; list-style-type: none !important; margin: 0 5px 10px !important; padding: 0 !important; } .simple-social-icons ul li a, .simple-social-icons ul li a:hover { background: #999999 url(consultantbasecamp/wp-content/plugins/simple-social-icons/images/sprite_32x32.png) no-repeat; -moz-border-radius: 10px -webkit-border-radius: 10px; border-radius: 10px; display: block; height: 32px; overflow: hidden; text-indent: -999px; width: 32px; } .simple-social-icons ul li a:hover { background-color: #666666; }.simple-social-icons ul a, .simple-social-icons ul a:hover { background-position: -64px 0; }.simple-social-icons ul a, .simple-social-icons ul a:hover { background-position: -96px 0; }.simple-social-icons ul a