Raleigh, NC (PRWEB) March 07, 2013
Republic Wireless, home of the Wi-Fi and cellular unlimited smartphone plan for as little as $ 19 a month, announces a new Android app, Republic Wireless Wi-Fi+. With Wi-Fi+, it’s easier than ever for members to check the strength and quality of a particular Wi-Fi connection and automatically log their phones on to more than 12 million public Wi-Fi hotspots around the world as curated by the hugely popular crowd sourced Devicescape solution.
“From day 1, Republic Wireless has strived to simplify the world of wireless and lower the costs of owning a smartphone for all consumers. To be able to provide talking, texting and unlimited data for just $ 19 a month, our model relies on members to use Wi-Fi whenever possible,” said David Morken, co-founder and president of Bandwidth, parent of Republic Wireless. “The Republic Wireless Wi-Fi+ app makes logging into public hotspots quick and easy.”
Morken adds: “This is about simplifying our member’s experience. There are thousands of public networks all over the world and they are all different. Some use captive-portals that require you to login using a web browser. Sometimes you need to establish an account, which may or may not be free, and type in credentials such as a username and password, or your email. Other networks require you to accept some terms and conditions. All of this is a lot of hassle for someone trying to quickly lookup information or check an email on their smartphone. We think the Republic Wireless Wi-Fi+ app raises the member experience to a new level.”
The Wi-Fi+ app provides the Republic Wireless unlimited smartphone three distinct upgrades:
1. Automatic access to over 12 million Wi-Fi hotspots. Using technology from our partner Devicescape, the phone recognizes available networks, how to log into them, where they are located, how popular they are, and how well they work.
2. Connection verification. A Wi-Fi+ onscreen widget shows the strength of your Wi-Fi connection. Like any network, Wi-Fi signal strength is largely dependent on the number of users at a given time and what they are doing the network. This can be issue when using a public hotspot at a popular café or the local McDonald’s and Starbucks. If this is the case, the Republic Wireless unlimited smartphone works just like a regular phone on the nationwide network of Sprint. There is no additional cost when you use the cellular network.
3. Smarter monitoring. Wi-Fi+ provides an on-phone widget to provide feedback about how much Wi-Fi you use versus cellular, and how your use stacks up with the Republic Wireless community.
Republic Wireless rocked the wireless industry in 2011 when it debuted the country’s cheapest smartphone plan at $ 19 per month for talking, texting and unlimited data. Republic Wireless leverages both Wi-Fi and cellular networks to make phone calls, send text message and surf the web.
About Republic Wireless
It’s really simple: Want to save money? Republic Wireless offers the nation’s cheapest smartphone plan. Republic Wireless, a division of Bandwidth, headquartered in Raleigh, North Carolina, is spearheading a wireless freedom movement to return value and control of the smartphone experience to members by leveraging the power of Wi-Fi and an engaged community of users. Republic Wireless offers unlimited data, text, and voice service for $ 19 per month, with no contract. Our Hybrid Calling uses Wi-Fi in the home, office or anywhere else as the primary network for calls, texts and data. When outside of Wi-Fi coverage, the smartphone works just like a typical cellphone on the national cellular network of Sprint. Visit http://www.republicwireless.com/ for more information. Media resource center here.
Devicescape, McDonald’s, Sprint and Starbucks are trademarks of their respective owners.
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