Nashville, TN (PRWEB) November 14, 2013
Mobile venture capital investments have reached the largest financing quarter in history, according to CB Insights, a trusted investment database company. Venture capital firms have capitalized on the demand for apps, devices, mobile video, and mobile advertising among others, by investing over $ 1.12B in US mobile-related companies. This has made the third quarter of 2013 the highest quarterly total on record. It was also the first time that venture capital mobile deals have surpassed the healthcare sector.
These companies’ profit margins are on the rise, and, unfortunately, cell tower landlords are often not privy to this information. Implementing supply and demand economics would allow property owners to be paid full and fair value for telecoms and tower developers’ use of their land. As demand for mobile connectivity rises [subsequently increasing cell towers’ revenue] the value of property owners’ cell tower leases and the land used for telecom purposes also rises.
Hugh Odom, President and Founder of Vertical Consultants states, “Property owners throughout North America are in a better position today than ever before when it comes to negotiating terms for telecoms’ and tower developers’ use of their property. Growing consumer demands for mobile connectivity, in addition to an array of other mobile demands, increases the value of cell towers and their leases. However, property owners do not take advantage of this value increase because they are unaware that it even exists. Vertical Consultants was established to inform the uniformed property owners, advocating for those landowners who have been taken for granted and getting them full and fair value for their land that they deserve.”
Vertical Consultants’ success in the industry has proven the wide disparity between property owners and telecom companies. In 2012, the telecom lease-consulting firm increased property owners’ cell tower rents by 142% and, since inception, has recovered over 200 years worth of unpaid cell tower rents and expenses for their clients, collectively.
Vertical Consultants was founded in 2010 by Hugh Odom and is comprised of wireless industry veterans with decades of combined experience. Vertical Consultants specializes in issues surrounding the wireless telecom industry and prides itself as a source of information for property owners. Vertical Consultants experience in the industry allows it to offer its clients unmatched expertise, services and results. Unlike others in their field, Vertical Consultants is able to handle every aspect of the issues surrounding a cell tower, rooftop or any other type of telecom lease, from start to finish. To learn more, visit http://www.vertical-consultants.com or contact Vertical Consultants at info(at)vertical-consultants.com or 877.456.7552.
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