Chicago, IL (PRWEB) February 03, 2014
Pegasus Intellectual Capital Solutions (http://www.pegasusics.com) today announced that J. Alexander Laurn, former consultant to Faurecia, has joined as the new head of its automotive practice.
Mr. Laurn will lead the firm’s undertakings in the automotive sector, including the automotive supply chain and transportation. Alex will also be co-head of the firm’s intellectual property licensing and IP monetization team and will assume patent licensing negotiations for a client with a Fortune 500 company.
Mr. Laurn was most recently an automotive consultant to Faurecia (EO:Euronext Paris), one of the world’s ten largest automotive suppliers, and has six years of prior investment banking experience with elite institutions.
Mr. Laurn’s achievements includes mergers and acquisitions transactions (including the sale of Wise Company to Trivest Partners), capital raises, venture capital consulting, and development of early stage engagement models for advanced innovation teams. He has led a myriad of successful transactions including, but not limited to, buy and sell side representation working with leading financial institutions and retail distributors in excess of one billion dollars in revenue.
Mr. Laurn earned a B.S. in finance and marketing, cum laude, from Carthage College and a MBA from Grand Valley State University’s Seidman College of Business. Alex will reside in Chicago.
Charles Smith, founder of Pegasus Intellectual Capital Solutions LLC stated: “We are excited to have Alex on board and feel he will bring tremendous value to our team. Alex will will lead our Automotive and Transportation group and assist in continuing our leadership in Healthcare, Food and Beverage, Agriculture, Manufacturing, Distribution, Technology, and Oil and Gas Field Services.”
About PegasusICS:
Pegasus Intellectual Capital Solutions was named “2013 Investment Banking Boutique of the Year” by Acquisition Finance Magazine, “Investment Banking Boutique of the Year 2013 – USA” by Intercontinental Finance Magazine, and was recently selected for the distinction of “Top 200 Investment Banks and Boutiques” by American Registry.
PegasusICS is a Chicago based boutique investment bank that advises and assists companies on capital raising, mergers and acquisitions – including cross-border – exit planning, restructuring and workout, and shareholder value maximization. PegasusICS operates across the U.S. as well as internationally. PegasusICS was founded by Charles Smith who has consummated over a billion dollars in transactions ranging from Cargill to Target.
PegasusICS has distinguished itself from its peers in the following areas:
Its partners have a history of putting capital at-risk and operating companies. Their analytical work and recommendations are founded on first-hand experience of employing risk-capital as principals that few other investment banking firms offer.
Advising clients is all they do. They do not manage funds, lend, trade, invest or underwrite. Unlike most investment banks, they have no conflicts of interest.
They serve a wide range of clients and have ranged in size from lower-middle market to the Fortune 1000 as well as late stage start-ups that have achieved break-even.
Execution of the engagement is always done by the same professionals engaged. Clients only have a senior point of contact.
They work to increase shareholder value in each of their engagements. Their goal is always to uncover hidden opportunities to maximize the value of their clients’ companies.
They are innovators in advising clients on how to design corporate governance structures for the increasingly challenging Knowledge Era, and in advising clients on how to improve value creation via knowledge management through the use of their proprietary Intellectual Capital AuditTM.
Their cross border experience is extensive, and they are the sole Illinois Representative of Acquisitions International.
Geographic coverage is global but emphasizes North America, Western Europe, Africa and Asia.
For more information, visit http://www.pegasusics.com.
Media Contacts:
Charles Smith
Managing Partner
Pegasus Intellectual Capital Solutions LLC
70 West Madison Street
Suite 1400
Chicago, IL 60602-4270
o : 312-951-0100 x11
f : 312-962-4420
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