Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) April 26, 2013
San Francisco holds a narrow lead over New York City as the #1 coolest city on Ranker’s “America’s Coolest Cities” list, a crowd-sourced list on the consumer opinions website, Ranker.com. More than 1,000 people have voted on the list as of April, 2013 and the gap between the cities competing for “Coolest City in the US” is smaller than Rhode Island. The top 10 has cities representing both coasts, the South, and the Midwest while seemingly thriving cities like Los Angeles and Miami not even making the Top 10.
The rest of the Top 10 Coolest Cities in US are as follows:
1) San Francisco
2) New York City
3) Boston
4) Seattle
5) New Orleans
6) Chicago
7) Austin
8) Portland
9) Honolulu
10) Las Vegas
David Kevoe, who was born on the East Coast but settled in LA, thinks show business’s biggest city ranks lower on the list because “LA is the place I would want to live mainly due to the sun and the weather, but not that much fun to visit compared to these other cities”. Kevoe’s pick for #1 city is Las Vegas due mostly to the entertainment value offered.
See the full list of Awesome US Cities, as well as 1,000’s of other Travel lists at Ranker.com.
Ranker.com is the premier data source for aggregated consumer opinions. Over seven million people go to Ranker each month to view, rank and vote their opinions on matters both entertaining and practical. Ranker’s proprietary algorithms and datacentric approach to opinion aggregation deliver the most credible answers from “the best” to “the worst” across a wide range of topics including food, sports, travel, entertainment, cars and many others. For more information, visit Ranker.com.