If any of you actually done some research then you would know that the
creature “Slender Man” is not owned by any one he dates bay to the 1500 of
the first reporting of him so no the company will not be taken down because
they didn’t get an approval of the people who made slender man game Slender
man wasn’t created on any forms either he got popular because he was
something that majority of the people didn’t know about. And generally
people are afraid of what they don’t know if it exists
MrGames117 says:
Bring it to the uk
iCremson says:
I’ve fallen in love with this movie.♥
Ann Onymous says:
Tão ansiosa pra esse filme <3
MSD1000gamesTV says:
North Carolina ??? Please???
sotomaxy says:
From Venezuela I wish you good luck guys 😀
Daniel Espinosa says:
bring it to Latin America
TheMokubaCosplayer says:
Slenderman was created on the SomethingAwful forums…so yeah…
XepteXDubstep says:
will it be released in german??
Rafaperfil97 says:
bring it to mordor!
Fan Service Weekly says:
Have you tried contacting individual theater companies for support? If you
could get Regal or the Georgia Theater company to host your movie, that
would be amazing in my book.Just try convincing them that the movie is the
next Paranormal Activity, as far as popularity goes, and that it will bring
in a lot of snack revenue. Make sure to provide some movie posters, and
maybe some cardboard displays for indoor advertising to get their attention
TheShadowGamer says:
Is it gonna be in theaters? I hope so
Elbita GhostKiller says:
yo tambien! 😀
Dhv Gxg says:
Lol i.used fake hidden youtube name.. I’m a professional troller- but i do
it to help soooooo.yeah. And fo all u hatas im just gonna not listen and
show you myyyy ffaaaaavorite finger
California please!!!
The movie may be out July 2014
Canada please or …
If any of you actually done some research then you would know that the
creature “Slender Man” is not owned by any one he dates bay to the 1500 of
the first reporting of him so no the company will not be taken down because
they didn’t get an approval of the people who made slender man game Slender
man wasn’t created on any forms either he got popular because he was
something that majority of the people didn’t know about. And generally
people are afraid of what they don’t know if it exists
Bring it to the uk
I’ve fallen in love with this movie.♥
Tão ansiosa pra esse filme <3
North Carolina ??? Please???
From Venezuela I wish you good luck guys 😀
bring it to Latin America
Slenderman was created on the SomethingAwful forums…so yeah…
will it be released in german??
bring it to mordor!
Have you tried contacting individual theater companies for support? If you
could get Regal or the Georgia Theater company to host your movie, that
would be amazing in my book.Just try convincing them that the movie is the
next Paranormal Activity, as far as popularity goes, and that it will bring
in a lot of snack revenue. Make sure to provide some movie posters, and
maybe some cardboard displays for indoor advertising to get their attention
Is it gonna be in theaters? I hope so
yo tambien! 😀
Lol i.used fake hidden youtube name.. I’m a professional troller- but i do
it to help soooooo.yeah. And fo all u hatas im just gonna not listen and
show you myyyy ffaaaaavorite finger
Bring it to Louisiana.
Estou ancioso 😀