How to change the layout or template of your blogger blog take 2 Here I’ll show you a different way to change the layout, template and background to your blogger blog.

ola pessoal tudo ben visitem ai meu site por favor
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  1. simplyimpish
    simplyimpish says:

    Oops, I cannot find the minima template option. I want to update my template to a already made one but cannot find the minima option. I hope you can help me.

  2. knivez92ayanine
    knivez92ayanine says:

    i tried it just now and my old background is still there and what’s worse is that the code is posted on bottom -_- please help…

  3. KAREN222VT
    KAREN222VT says:

    Hi thank you for making this because I had no idea how to do this, My problem is the header is on the left side of the page instead of the middle. How do I fix this to be in the middle? I know you make this in 2010 and there are changes to what you showed in the video but I figured it out. I have my background but the layout is all wrong. Please help.

  4. themexicandulce
    themexicandulce says:

    nice. thanks so much i was trying to figure this out for 2 hours now. but you helped kickly…i think am going to be up all night editing my blog now.thanks

  5. sarymclary
    sarymclary says:

    Thanks so much for this tutorial. Your instructions are so clear and precise, and have saved me hours of getting nowhere, fast!

  6. BDesignClub
    BDesignClub says:

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  7. felipegunblack
    felipegunblack says:

    Pow repara la quando ele vai digitar o negocio la aparece kkkk ele noob joga habbo!!!

  8. MultiTOP2011
    MultiTOP2011 says:

    Olá pessoal tudo bem. eu sou Fernando .
    E dai ? ninguem perguntou seu nome ¬¬

    XIXERATO says:

    kkk reparem nos templates tem um boneco chupando a buceta da boneca kkkkk 1:20