Starting a House Cleaning Business just got easier! … We provide all of your training wit videos and support while still allowing you the flexibility to bu… Video Rating: 4 / 5 Goodman Goodman2014-05-25 17:07:062015-12-30 10:26:39Home Cleaning Business Training Video | Bath cleaning
This is so outdated!! Dirty and gross!! And is there no floor?
Also people, she said this was a 6,000 something foot HOUSE in under 30
Rosealee Divine says:
im glad I don’t do housekeeping anymore,i have a hard enough time cleaning
my little bathroom
Jeffrey Tobian says:
So WERE IS THE WATER, ?? a cleaner can not clean without water, she is
looking like a commercial cleaner, NOT house cleaner
justwant2bhappy says:
I would have a cow if a housekeeper walked in my tub with her shoes. I sure
don’t think this is good.
Frode Fitjar says:
From where can i get the black apron she wear
William Bee says:
Where do you find a large plastic glass?
Rodica Grecu says:
So WERE IS THE WATER, ?? a cleaner can not clean without water, she is
looking like a commercial cleaner, NOT house cleaner
Noahs Ark says:
She’s just moving the bacteria around.
darko diamond says:
Please tell me WHERE I can get that awesome aprin! Love it!!!
nayinayi1 says:
I will not clean someones toilet without gloves!
Saya Umechou says:
I’m appalled she is wearing her outside shoes inside and stepping all over
everywhere. If she walked with those shoes outside, she has just brought
every germ and dirt from the outside, IN. WTF.
msgilliam1474 says:
She never changed her rags, she never used water and she wiped the shower
door several times, she didn’t use gloves. Shoe covers are used in tubs or
rubber shoes you only wear in tubs. Also Comet leaves a cloudy residue and
it appears to look dirty.
Annie Dondas says:
number one rule.. Don’t forget to wear gloves!!!!especially when cleaning
the bowl in the toilet, and the brush, gee!!! she was using the same little
brush she used in the sink, then used it again in the toilet seat… I’d
rather clean it myself..
parkman35 says:
I have hired cleaning services over the years for properties I’ve owned and
rule #1…NO SHOES on! Ankle socks…bare feet..stocking feet…whatever,
but absolutely no shoes…
Flingship373 says:
Steamer would help a lot.
Flingship373 says:
Who came up with these instructions? Why would you clean the bath but later
stand on it again to wipe a painting? Remove only the figerprints? Sooo
they don´t wipe the whole door? Just enough to make it “look” clean?
inner visionary says:
soooooo muchhhhh WWWOOORRRKKKK
A Piccozzi says:
Are you kidding me! You clean someones toilet with no gloves. WTF!!
This is so outdated!! Dirty and gross!! And is there no floor?
Also people, she said this was a 6,000 something foot HOUSE in under 30
im glad I don’t do housekeeping anymore,i have a hard enough time cleaning
my little bathroom
So WERE IS THE WATER, ?? a cleaner can not clean without water, she is
looking like a commercial cleaner, NOT house cleaner
I would have a cow if a housekeeper walked in my tub with her shoes. I sure
don’t think this is good.
From where can i get the black apron she wear
Where do you find a large plastic glass?
So WERE IS THE WATER, ?? a cleaner can not clean without water, she is
looking like a commercial cleaner, NOT house cleaner
She’s just moving the bacteria around.
Please tell me WHERE I can get that awesome aprin! Love it!!!
I will not clean someones toilet without gloves!
I’m appalled she is wearing her outside shoes inside and stepping all over
everywhere. If she walked with those shoes outside, she has just brought
every germ and dirt from the outside, IN. WTF.
She never changed her rags, she never used water and she wiped the shower
door several times, she didn’t use gloves. Shoe covers are used in tubs or
rubber shoes you only wear in tubs. Also Comet leaves a cloudy residue and
it appears to look dirty.
number one rule.. Don’t forget to wear gloves!!!!especially when cleaning
the bowl in the toilet, and the brush, gee!!! she was using the same little
brush she used in the sink, then used it again in the toilet seat… I’d
rather clean it myself..
I have hired cleaning services over the years for properties I’ve owned and
rule #1…NO SHOES on! Ankle socks…bare feet..stocking feet…whatever,
but absolutely no shoes…
Steamer would help a lot.
Who came up with these instructions? Why would you clean the bath but later
stand on it again to wipe a painting? Remove only the figerprints? Sooo
they don´t wipe the whole door? Just enough to make it “look” clean?
soooooo muchhhhh WWWOOORRRKKKK
Are you kidding me! You clean someones toilet with no gloves. WTF!!