Gyan Adda 49 – Open-source will leave you behind
Open-Source is a powerful force that when utilized allows for abundant collaboration of shared goals in an unfathomable scale. The good news is, it’s easily …
Stanford physicist Ingmar Riedel-Kruse has begun developing “biotic games” involving paramecia and other living organisms. He hopes the games lead to advance…
If you find the beginning at bit slow you can skip ahead to 3:30 to get
Thanks everyone!
right into it
Mh… lucky guys there. I actually realy have to work to get paid… ^^
how are they moving the parameciums?
Why would anyone invent or play a game like that? Thats dumb, really dumb.
For real.
Were any paramecium harmed in the making of these games?
I bet the controls of this game require more processing power, than if you
write a simple script with randomly moving objects (paramecia if you will),
which slightly respond to your controls, in order to emulate the same
experience as this biotic game. This fact alone renders this “game” useless.
Interesting. Though less so as the concept of a form of gaming than how you
would even control the direction that the paramecia swim in the first place.
@swekangaroo good one…
@chillyayo09 Standford as in the Ivy League University.
Lucky guys there in stanford. I actualy have to work to get paid… i am
doing something wrong ^^
How do you control the paramecium’s movmement? Electrical impulses?
Maybe, the best random number generator ever?
@Flaeor No, if you look closely, it just lagged for a moment and reappeared
above the cartoon fish.
Reminds me of Spore. But then, I’ll have to stay on a space ship n orbit
around the planet at light speed to see them evolve. Next thing you know,
it’s planet of the apes!!!! “OMFG what abominations!, computer…accelerate
the speed now! I want to go back to my time.” Computer: “I’m sorry, you’ve
already reached the speed limit. Further acceleration will break the laws
of physics.” Me:”BUT WHAT ABOUT MY WIFE?!” Computer: ” … I’m sorry.
Please consider alternative selection on the planet.”
@Psyfrox If you believe that, then maybe we should lead by example and not
do it, where is it going to stop? I think this just goes to show how
dis-connected some people have become. For research purposes I can
understand a desire to look at things like this, but to then start making
games out of it. They’ll be the ant farm game next. Skip a few years and
then running man game
Great. So you are killing things just for fun, and not for research? My
respect went down A LOT. Stop using them for fucking games!
Seems wrong somehow, using living things for own gaming fun purpose. Next
is to play chess by moving animals around a field and get them to kill each
other when you take a piece.