Executive Leadership Training – Productivity Through Effective Delegation
Article by Amy Groot
Executive Leadership Training – Productivity Through Effective Delegation – Business – Training
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Executive Leadership Training is in dire need of some fundamental approaches to increasing productivity . Most executive development today is high level and focuses on technical specialties or strategic planning, communications, marketing, etc. What is missing in most cases are fundamental skills and techniques to manage people more effectively. Delivering better project and assignment execution is the Core Competency most needed and often over-looked.
The essential executive skills for faster project execution and increased employee productivity are a result of “Soft Skills” such as delegation. Planning an important project or assignment, delegating the actions effectively and tracking progress to create “Velocity of Execution” for managing people to execute projects and assignments is the key. “Delegation” is the least emphasized and the most important of the soft-skills. Executives and successful managers are assumed to have proficiency in these soft-skills. Most have never received core skill development and have picked things up along the line. This leaves many with gaps in skill and technique that could add to their effectiveness if filled. But in reality this just doesn’t happen. A successful company should not leave soft-skill development to chance.Consider these questions; Where do you get this important leadership training and manager development? What are the key skills and techniques for effective delegation of work? How do you learn to avoid the pitfalls and obstacles to effective delegation? Why are these questions so important? It’s simple. Today’s business and industry organizations place a high value on Executives who can get results through effective time management of important projects and assignments.
Executive mastery of specific soft-skills such as communicating delegation assignments and “Visual Delegation” can have very important impact on effectiveness. Here is a list of just some of these skills and techniques;
1. Visual Delegation skills. 2. Simple, quick and effective assignment tracking 3. The What-When & How procedure.There are a number of related and unique soft-skills that are capable of very significant productivity gains. These skills and techniques and tools for effective delegation are covered in the Management By Delegation program. The lesson for companies and executive development is this; if your Company has a desire to improve the skill and performance of executives managing important projects and assignments through a team of people, need to take responsibility for providing the leadership training needed. Your executives and key managers can’t reach their full potential using the same skills they have today…it just won’t happen.
About the Author
FranklinCovey is a global leader in effectiveness training, productivity tools, leadership, productivity, time management , leadership training , executive leadership training , strategy execution, and assessment services for organizations and individuals. FranklinCovey helps companies achieve greatness by unleashing the power of their work forces to focus and execute on top business priorities. Clients include multinationals, mid-sized and small, as well as numerous government entities and educational institutions. Organizations and individuals access FranklinCovey products and services through corporate training and consulting, licensed client facilitators, one-on-one coaching, public workshops and http://www.franklincovey.com.au/
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Amy Groot
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