Episode 117 – Advanced Investing II: Enterprise Investment Schemes
Moving on to EIS’s now. These are similar to the Venture Capital Trusts we talked about last time, but have even more tax benefits, as long as you are happy to accept that the quid pro quo is higher risk of loss.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
No problem at all; thanks very much. Might be me going mad, but I can’t find where the link is? Feel free to embed the video if you haven’t already.
There is now a link to your EIS video on the b4rn website, hope that’s ok by you? Let me know if it isn’t and I will get it removed.
found one. b4rn dot org dot uk – community fibre network!
Thank you cyberdoyle! Glad the video was helpful.
Thanks John; let me know if there’s anything you’d like me to talk about!
Thanks, very informative. EIS sounds great, just have to find a good little company to invest in now.
Excellent! First meaningfulmoney vid I’ve seen… I shall be back!
Thanks very much for the comment – glad the video was useful. Plenty more on the YouTube channel or at MeaningfulMoney.tv. Let me know if there is anything you want to hear about…
Very Useful. Thank you.