Sales Planning

Lora Cecere explains that Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) deployed S&OP technology allows for quick deployment while providing the ability to connect systems an…
Lora Cecere explains that Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) deployed S&OP technology allows for quick deployment while providing the ability to connect systems an…
Lora Cecere explains that S&OP is no longer just about matching supply and demand. Demand uncertainty and supply variability means that companies have to be …
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This unique session with notable supply chain leaders delivered on its promise to be equally entertaining as informative. Kinaxis senior business consultant …
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Are you measuring your results? Sales planning requires management commitment and accountability is a major ingredient in planning. For some folks, planning and New Year’s resolutions took some effort back in December, but by mid-February, they are long forgotten.
Are you measuring your results and being accountable? Did January 2010 sales exceed January 2009 sales? Did actual exceed plan? If yes to both questions, congratulations and maintain the momentum. If you answered no, it’s time to have another planning meeting.
If sales are below last year, what did you do last year that you didn’t do this year? Did you have a blockbuster promotion event? Was there a sales contest? Was there a consumer sweepstakes? Did you lose a customer? Did some sales reps jump ship?
What are you doing that is different than last year? Don’t sit back and say things will be fine, because they won’t. Last year stunk, and 2010 will be the same if you don’t make any corrections to your sales plan. If you don’t change the way you do things, how can this year be any better than last year?
It is up to you (management, owner, CEO, founder) to figure out what is different, why sales are not meeting expectations, and put together some action steps that will quickly reverse the trend.
Action steps should include developing two or three goals for all key customers each quarter. At the end of the year, there should be eight successes for each customer.
Here is where the management commitment comes in; if you want to increase sales then you need to be accountable. Making up the difference to last year’s numbers is a lot easier over 11 months than just a few.
But only if you are measuring your results.
Is your team accountable for missing plan? Are you?
Mike Cooper is a recognized authority on consumer selling as well as the development of effective selling strategies. Mike is Head Chef and Chief Sales Officer, at Sales Kitchen, a sales leadership, coaching and consulting company. He has managed, coached or trained more than 800 sales professionals and earned numerous awards for leadership, sales achievement and for being a difference maker.
S&OP That Matters: Bridge the disconnect between reality and planning. Click here to read the full issue, including this month’s Challenge, two expert soluti…
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Stanford professor Blake Johnson discusses the consequences of relying on “best guess” forecasts in an environment of demand and supply uncertainty. Visit ht…
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What do an avid runner, an ancient Roman poet, an ancient Greek philosopher, and an English intellectual have in common? They all said powerful things that can help us on the course of losing weight and getting in shape. Let’s examine their quotes and come up with some action plans we can follow to help achieve our goals.
Cyril Connolly, the English intellectual, said, “The one way to get thin is to re-establish a purpose in life.”
What is your life’s purpose? Some people might refer to this as your personal Mission Statement.
Have you thought about it? Have you stated it definitively? Is it just “to make it to tomorrow”? Or is it something bigger?
My life’s purpose and personal mission statement is: “To help as many people get healthy and wealthy as I can.” By working toward my life’s purpose I’ll be improving my health and wealth as well as creating a lasting legacy for my family and community.
When you establish your life’s purpose you are consciously and subconsciously directing yourself toward a desired future. If your desired future includes a healthier, thinner you you’re more likely to achieve it now that your life’s purpose is established.
Action plan: If you don’t have a life purpose or personal mission statement, take some time to create one.
Don’t just think about it. Write it down! Otherwise it isn’t “real” in your mind. Put it someplace you’ll see regularly like on your computer monitor. Think about the person you’ll become–mentally, physically and spiritually–as you accomplish things in line with your life purpose.
Aristotle, the ancient Greek philosopher said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.”
A habit is a pattern of behavior that you acquire after frequent repetition. If you do anything enough times–good or bad–it becomes a habit.
The good news is that any bad habit can be broken. The key is to replace that bad habit with a new, good one.
Do you have any bad eating habits? Do you tend to eat unhealthy snacks between meals? Do you eat lots of fast food? Do you drink too much soda? Any of these habits can be changed.
Action plan: Identify one of your bad eating habits. Analyze it. Why does it happen? When? How? Once you have done this, commit to replace that habit with a new, improved one. Pay attention. Every time you catch yourself in the bad eating habit, replace it with something healthy.
For example, instead of grabbing another sugary (or chemically!) soda, brew up a big fresh mug of yummy green tea. Or take a walk around the block. Anything to break the pattern.
You will see that this at first conscious and difficult act soon becomes automatic. Then you’ll be on the way to excellent eating habits!
Virgil, the ancient Roman poet, said, “The greatest wealth is health.”
It doesn’t matter how much money you have or how nice your material things are if you aren’t healthy enough to enjoy them. And if you aren’t materially wealthy right now you are still very fortunate if you have good health.
Many people consider it noble to work themselves to exhaustion and sickness because they think in the end they’ll “buy” themselves time to improve their health. But that rarely happens. People who neglect their health often find themselves so sick they can’t enjoy the wealth they’ve been building.
Never seek material wealth at the expense of your health!
Action plan: Make a habit of being thankful for your good health. Consider how wealthy you really are if you already have good health. If your health can be improved by losing weight and getting in shape, make a commitment to do so. It’s the best way to make yourself truly wealthy!
And George Sheehan, the avid runner, said, “Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be.”
If you’ve tried slimming down but haven’t succeeded, it’s possible you weren’t determined enough to reach your goal. Determination is a quality that can be exercised and mastered. Having a definite goal and keeping it in mind whenever you make a decision is a good way of strengthening your determination. Just be alert and when you feel your determination and will power falter, remember your goal and you’ll improve your resolve!
Action plan: Think about who you want to be. Describe this ideal you in detail, including as many aspects as you can think of. With this mental picture in place, you will see it is easier to maintain the focus and determination needed for your weight loss plan to be successful. Every time you feel about to cave, recall this picture of who you are meant to be. It will keep you on the right track and you WILL be successful.
In conclusion, take all these ideas together and use them to help you reach your weight loss goals: write down your personal mission statement; commit to replacing bad eating habits with good ones; be thankful for the good health you have and work to improve it; and envision your ideal self. If you follow these action plans you’ll be well on your way to a healthier and slimmer you!
Marc Menninger is an author and speaker. He runs the blog Inspirational Weight Loss,, a collection of inspirational weight loss quotes. Marc used a proprietary technique for burning fat and reaching his target weight and enjoys inspiring others to do the same.
Follow these guidelines when assigning operations master Windows 7 certificate roles for a domain:
If a domain has only one domain controller, that domain controller must hold all of the domain roles.
If a domain has more than one domain controller a Choose two well-connected domain controllers that are direct replication partners. Make one of the domain controllers the operations master domain controller, to which you should assign the RID master, the PDC emulator, and the infrastructure master roles. The other domain controller functions as a standby operations master domain controller, used in case of failure of the operations master domain controller.
In domains that are not large, assign both the RID master and PDC emulator roles to the domain controller you selected as the operations master domain controller.
In very large domains, you can reduce the peak load on the PDC emulator by placing RID master and PDC emulator roles on separate domain controllers, both of which are direct replication partners of the domain controller you selected as the standby operations master domain controller. However, to avoid the administrative tasks associated with separating the two roles, you should keep online MCITP certification the two roles together unless the load on the domain controller you selected as the operations master domain controller justifies separating the roles.
a The infrastructure master role should not be assigned to any domain controller that is hosting the global catalog. However, you should assign the infrastructure master role to any domain controller that is well connected to a global catalog (from any domain) in the same site. If the domain controller you selected as the operations master domain controller meets these requirements, use it unless the load justifies the extra management burden of separating the roles. If the infrastructure master and global catalog are on the same domain controller, the infrastructure master will not function. The infrastructure master will never find data that is out of date, so it will never replicate any changes to the other domain controllers in the domain. If all of the domain controllers in a domain are also hosting the global catalog, all of the domain controllers have the current data and it does not matter which domain controller holds the infrastructure master role.
Planning for Growth
Normally, as your forest grows, you will not need to change the locations of the various operations master roles. But when you are planning to decommission a domain controller, to change the global catalog status of a domain controller, or to reduce the connectivity between parts of your network, you should review your plan and revise the free practice questions operations master role assignments, as necessary.
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