
business mentors. venture Road(Chinese Edition) Reviews

business mentors. venture Road(Chinese Edition)

business mentors. venture Road(Chinese Edition)

List Price: $ 94.11


Rolling Stones’ SnookerTable/Aliens

Rolling Stones' SnookerTable/Aliens

List Price: $ 1.99



Business Mentoring Success Secrets: How to Find and Work With Top Professional Mentors To Boost Your Business (Business Matters)

Business Mentoring Success Secrets: How to Find and Work With Top Professional Mentors To Boost Your Business (Business Matters)

Business Mentoring Success Secrets:  How to Find and Work With Top Professional Mentors To Boost Your Business (Business Matters)

**Feeling STUCK in your business, without a lot of spare cash, time, or the right skills to move your company forward? Consider this FREE method to boost you business: find a Mentor to work with!**

A business mentor can be one of the best ways to gain the knowledge and skills you need in order to start a business successfully or take it to the next level. Mentors can offer you the benefit of their experience in your industry or niche, advise you on general business matters, give you



Mentor Tools: Equipping Global & Local Business Mentors

Mentor Tools: Equipping Global & Local Business Mentors

Mentor Tools: Equipping Global & Local Business Mentors

Cross-cultural mentoring is difficult. It’s even harder to develop local mentors in cultures where trust and mentorship are rare. If you’re doing either one, these tools may help. I developed them during six years of business mentoring and training in Honduras and Haiti in joint programs involving Creating Jobs Inc (which I founded), Partners Worldwide, Vida Abundante Iglesia Cristiana, and Proyecto Aldea Global. Mentor Tools will help you set up international and local mentoring programs

List Price: $ 8.00

