
The small business consulting service at San Jose State University

The small business consulting service at San Jose State University

The small business consulting service at San Jose State University



Ian McKenna in San Jose: Online services can complement traditional advice

Ian McKenna in San Jose: Online services can complement traditional advice
Advisors will provide the Pro version of the software to clients and encourage them to maintain their financial information in it, this is prepopulated from an aggregation feed. … They can search for advisors by advice area including 401Ks (the US …
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Collaboration helps higher ed graduate to a greener future
Yet, at a TCCPI meeting in June 2010, the group came up with the notion of the planning department and EVI's joining hands to submit a proposal to the EPA Climate Showcase Community Grant Program, which seeks to highlight community efforts to decrease …
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3 Everyday Events That Can Teach Your Kids About Money
"Children need to understand Mom and Dad have a valid and thoughtful reason behind the 'no' to help avoid feelings of deprivation" said Shannon Ryan, a certified financial planner, author of numerous books on teaching children about money and founder …
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Beth Murphy of Digg shares the secret to Digg's success at SES San Jose 2009

Beth Murphy, Sr. Director of Marketing at Digg, shares the secret of Digg’s success with Byron Gordon of SEO-PR. Digg focuses its energy on creating a highly compelling product, and the result is a site which over 39 million people visit monthly. Their efforts center on overall user usability, the hope being that a well-designed site will drive user satisfaction and the desire to spread the word about it. Digg uses innovative methods like posting Digg dialogues with celebrities that users can comment on as the dialogue progresses, so the user has many opportunities to become involved. To promote these dialogues and garner more participation, Digg partners with major news outlets like CNN. Murphy reiterates that Digg is all about crowd sourcing, with users instead of journalists and editors selecting what content is important. Digg takes its professed ethos to heart, and in keeping with the crowd sourcing ethic it does not use press releases, but offers up viral videos and social media announcements for users to engage with and promote as they see fit.

Este vídeo mostra estatísticas sobre como as redes sociais estão mudando a maneira como vivemos e fazemos negócios. É impressionante a quantidade de pessoas que está imersa neste novo formato de mídia e como elas interagem entre si, influenciando-se e conectado-se Quer saber mais sobre Mídia Social ou Otimização de Sites – SEO? Acesse: