Colorado Clean – Air Clean Jobs from Xcel Energy

Colorado Clean - Air Clean Jobs from Xcel Energy

A brief explanation of the Colorado Clean Air – Clean Jobs Act, featuring Frank Prager, VP of Environmental Policy, Karen Hyde, VP of Rates and Regulatory Affairs and Steve Mills, Project Executive, Clean Air – Clean Jobs Project.
Video Rating: 0 / 5

Oh No It's The Bully Oh No It’s the Bully is a visual musical expression created by the 4 & 5th grade students at Nathan Adams Elementary within Dallas ISD. The video was created to help stop bullying within schools. It was created over a 6 week period as an after-school project. Executive Producer, Eric Williams
Video Rating: 4 / 5

  1. itskenzie24
    itskenzie24 says:

    1st yall shouldnt be racist bout an african american beating up a white kid…2nd if we sed this 2 the person arranging it, we’d probably get in trouble so seriously shut up. its not the best song, duh, but we were in 5th grade not professional writers. the point is we had fun making it even though nobody really paid attention ^.^

  2. 123bbunny
    123bbunny says:

    i went to nathan adams its blaleye that kid is really werid and weak and i dont rlly lik this video

    JULEZSK7 says:

    its julius that wight kid is weak i had no choice but to play the part oh im goin to ed walker and chase williams is my brother so sick of this video i cnt stand it sssssssso sickeing

  4. FlyingCows88
    FlyingCows88 says:

    if a white kd did that to a black at our school, hed get his ass handed to him. seriously.

  5. erick75211
    erick75211 says:

    gay a wight kid beeting up a blak kid it should be black betting a wight kid stupide yall stupid