A Very Important Business Lesson I Learned From Landscaping

A Very Important Business Lesson I Learned From Landscaping

http://www.quicksustainablewealth.tv In this episode Robert shares with us how “trimming” will spur growth in your business. How to keep only what serves you…

Two big mistakes that keep lawn businesses from getting off to a good start and growing fast.
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  1. 02to06TUNDRAFAN
    02to06TUNDRAFAN says:

    But great vids 🙂 could you start a series on like techniques and things
    you have learned from experiences to make jobs easier to do and price
    maybe? Thanks again

  2. 02to06TUNDRAFAN
    02to06TUNDRAFAN says:

    Now i must say the majority of our equipment we bought cash after saving up
    or bought used, the two hand helds we bought new payed for themselves in
    about a week with spring clean up jobs, the only thing we’re still paying
    for is ztr but like i said it is our second job so i think it is reasonable
    but i would also say we started from the bottom

  3. 02to06TUNDRAFAN
    02to06TUNDRAFAN says:

    Started with a borrowed trailer, borrowed toro push mower, and borrowed
    ryobi weedeater and my own crappy echo blower and edger. After about a
    month i got a good deal on 6×12 trailer and 33″ walk behind, a month later
    i got two used br 600s and sold echo blower. A month later i got a new
    stihl fs 100rx & new stihl hl 100k, then i got a new hustler fastrak super
    duty 48″, and got a used stihl fs 130r and trimmer and blower racks. Now
    this is mine and my dad’s second job so we have income even when work is
    slow. I recommend doing it on the side until you know for a fact you like
    it and you get an idea of how everything works :)

  4. bluecreel
    bluecreel says:

    My first choice for a blower is Redmax, second would be Husqvarna. My first
    choice for a weedeater would be Husqvarna, then Stihl. I would get a new if
    you can afford it. I try to by slightly used mowers but new handheld

  5. 405TunerZ
    405TunerZ says:

    Buy wise I got four 21″ commercial toros only 3 years old cheap. They just
    needed to be clean up. I sold one I got my money back and a small profit.
    Same with my weedeater edger and blower got them cheap all commercial. Just
    a few days ago I got a great deal on a 36″ scag. There a few years old but
    work great. New or even use from a dealer I would of spent $4000 but paid
    less than a quarter for all of it.

  6. suthrnrepair
    suthrnrepair says:

    Oh and i just got a zero turn this year a Gravely 52 inch commerical last 5
    years i was mowing with a 50inch tractor style cub cadet rider before that
    was a 46 inch